1. Proteins
Active Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9)

APA036Hu02 | Homo sapiens (Human)

GAF; HBFG9; Glia-Activating Factor; Heparin-Binding Growth Factor 9
Active NADH Dehydrogenase, Quinone 1 (NQO1)

APL969Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

DHQU; DIA4; DTD; NMOR1; NMORI; QR1; Azoreductase; DT-diaphorase; Menadione reductase; Phylloquinone reductase; Quinone reductase 1; NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1
Active Integrin Alpha 2 (ITGa2)

APB228Mu01 | Mus musculus (Mouse)

CD49b; BR; GPIa; VLA-2; VLAA2; Platelet membrane glycoprotein Ia; Alpha 2 Subunit Of VLA-2 Receptor; Very Late Activation Proteins 2 Receptor; Collagen receptor; VLA-2 alpha
Active Adrenomedullin (ADM)

APA220Mu01 | Mus musculus (Mouse)

AM; PAMP; Proadrenomedullin N-20 terminal peptide; ProAM N-terminal 20 peptide
Active Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (TERT)

APC241Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

EST2; TCS1; TP2; TRT; hEST2; Telomerase catalytic subunit; Telomerase-associated protein 2
Active Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase (uPA)

APA140Mu61 | Mus musculus (Mouse)

PLAU; ATF; URK; UK; UP-A; Abbokinase; Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator
Active Ephrin A4 (EFNA4)

APE110Mu01 | Mus musculus (Mouse)

EFL4; EPLG4; LERK4; EPH-related receptor tyrosine kinase ligand 4
Active Retinol Binding Protein 4 (RBP4)

APA929Po01 | Sus scrofa; Porcine (Pig)

PRBP; RBP; Plasma retinol-binding protein; Retinol Binding Protein 4, Plasma
Active Apolipoprotein C1 (APOC1)

APA252Hu02 | Homo sapiens (Human)

Apo-C1; Truncated apolipoprotein C-I
Active Ephrin B2 (EFNB2)

APE112Hu02 | Homo sapiens (Human)

EPLG5; HTKL; Htk-L; LERK5; HTK Ligand; Ligand Of Eph-Related Kinase 5; Eph-Related Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Ligand 5
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