A Stem Cell Strategy Identifies Glycophorin C as a Major Erythrocyte Receptor for the Rodent Malaria Parasite Plasmodium berghei
Source Magazine: PLoS One
- Used Products:
- PAB711Mu01
Target deletion of complement component 9 attenuates antibody-mediated hemolysis and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute shock in mice
Source Magazine: Scientific Reports
- Used Products:
- PAB823Mu01
Maksa rakuvälise maatriksi komponentide muutuste iseloomustamine maksakahjustuse korral
Source Magazine: DSpace
- Used Products:
- PAA162Mu01
Biochemical and Immunohistochemical Study of Sildenafil on Various Tissues of Male Rats
Source Magazine: The University of Mustansiriyah
- Used Products:
- PAA849Ra02
Uterotonic Neuromedin U Receptor 2 and Its Ligands Are Upregulated by Inflammation in Mice and Humans, and Elicit Preterm Birth.
Source Magazine: biology of reproduction
- Used Products:
- PAA828Mu01
Hepatic Spheroids for Long-Term Toxicity Studies
Source Magazine: Applied In Vitro Toxicology
- Used Products:
- PAA884Ra01