In vitro PDGF-B gene silencing studies and In vivo delivery of siRNA to the rat kidney using Chitosan/siRNA nanoplexes
Source Magazine: Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
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Cardiac biomarkers in dogs with visceral leishmaniasis
Source Magazine: Archivos de medicina veterinaria
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Pre-treatment with simvastatin prevents the induction of diet-induced atherosclerosis in a rabbit model
Source Magazine: Biomedical Reports
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Bradykinin-Induced Shock Increase Exhaled Nitric Oxide, Complement Activation and Cytokine Production in Pigs
Source Magazine: Journal of Cardiology and Clinical Research
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Effects of Hot Water Extracts from Polygonum multiflorum on Ovariectomy Induced Osteopenia in Mice
Source Magazine: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
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Fluoride-induced headkidney macrophage cell apoptosis involves activation of the CaMKIIg-ERK 1/2-caspase-8 axis: the role of superoxide in initiating the apoptotic cascade
Source Magazine: Toxicology Research
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