Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 inhibition protects cardiomyocytes from inflammation andapoptosis in diabetic cardiomyopathy.
Source Magazine: Oncotarget
A multimodal assessment of balance in elderly and young adults.
Source Magazine: Oncotarget
- Used Products:
- SED231Hu
Soluble PD-L1: A biomarker to predict progression of autologous transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma
Source Magazine: Oncotarget.
- Used Products:
- SEA788Hu
Characterization of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Variants Anatomically Compartmentalized inPlasma and Milk in Chronically Infected African Green Monkeys.
Source Magazine: Journal of Virology
High-intensity Interval training enhances mobilization/functionality of endothelial progenitor cellsand depressed shedding of vascular endothelial cells undergoing hypoxia.
Source Magazine: European Journal of Applied Physiology
- Used Products:
- SEA122Hu
Engineering bioinspired bacteria-adhesive clay nanoparticles with a membrane-disruptiveproperty for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection.
Source Magazine: Nanoscale
- Used Products:
- CEB224Mu