Polyclonal Antibody to Collagen Type II (COL2)


The antibody is a rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against COL2. It has been selected for its ability to recognize COL2 in immunohistochemical staining and western blotting.


Western blotting: 0.01-2µg/mL;
Immunohistochemistry: 5-20µg/mL;
Immunocytochemistry: 5-20µg/mL;
Optimal working dilutions must be determined by end user.


Store at 4°C for frequent use. Stored at -20°C in a manual defrost freezer for two year without detectable loss of activity. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.


The thermal stability is described by the loss rate. The loss rate was determined by accelerated thermal degradation test, that is, incubate the protein at 37°C for 48h, and no obvious degradation and precipitation were observed. The loss rate is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition.



Magazine Citations
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Experimental Biology and Medicine Acidic pH conditions mimicking degenerative intervertebral discs impair the survival and biological behavior of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells Rsmjournals: Source
PLoS ONE A Combinatorial Relative Mass Value Evaluation of Endogenous Bioactive Proteins in Three-Dimensional Cultured Nucleus Pulposus Cells of Herniated Intervertebral Discs: Identification of Potential Target Proteins for Gene Therapeutic Approaches Plosone: Source
Stem Cell Research Therapy Protein synthesis and secretion in human mesenchymal cells derived from bone marrow, adipose tissue and Wharton's jelly Pubmed: 24739658
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Biomedical Materials An innovative co-axial system to electrospin in situ crosslinked gelatin nanofibers. Pubmed:26987305
Scientific Reports Chondrogenic Potential of Peripheral Blood Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Seeded on Demineralized Cancellous Bone Scaffolds pubmed:27821864
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PLOS ONE Knockout of Apolipoprotein E in rabbit promotes premature intervertebral disc degeneration: A new in vivo model for therapeutic approaches of spinal disc disorders 10.1371:journal.pone.0187564
PLoS One Self-complementary adeno-associated virus serotype 6 mediated knockdown of ADAMTS4 induces long-term and effective enhancement of aggrecan in degenerative human nucleus pulposus cells: A new therapeutic approach for intervertebral disc disorders 10.1371:journal.pone.0172181
Platelets. Platelet-rich concentrate in serum-free medium enhances cartilage-specific extracellular matrix synthesis and reduces chondrocyte hypertrophy of human mesenchymal stromal cells encapsulated in alginate. pubmed:29090639
Molecular Medicine Reports Effects of GGCX overexpression on anterior cruciate ligament transection-induced osteoarthritis in rabbits Pubmed:29257344
Journal of Materials Science Scaffolds modified with graphene as future implants for nasal cartilage
Processes A Novel Method to Optimize Autologous Adipose Tissue Recovery with Extracellular Matrix Preservation
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