Rituximab (RTX)


Rituxan; MabThera; Zytux

Rituximab (RTX)
Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody against the protein CD20, which is primarily found on the surface of immune system B cells. Rituximab destroys B cells and is therefore used to treat diseases which are characterized by excessive numbers of B cells, overactive B cells, or dysfunctional B cells. This includes many lymphomas, leukemias, transplant rejection, and autoimmune disorders. Rituximab destroys both normal and malignant B cells that have CD20 on their surfaces, and is therefore used to treat diseases which are characterized by having too many B cells, overactive B cells, or dysfunctional B cells. Rituximab is used to treat cancers of the white blood system such as leukemias and lymphomas, including Hodgkin's lymphoma and its lymphocyte predominant subtype. Rituximab is now being used off-label in the management of kidney transplant recipients.

Organism species: Pan-species (General)

Proteins n/a Complete Antigen of Rituximab (RTX) Antigenic Transformation Customized Service Offer
Antibodies n/a Monoclonal Antibody to Rituximab (RTX) Monoclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
n/a Polyclonal Antibody to Rituximab (RTX) Polyclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
Assay Kits n/a CLIA Kit for Rituximab (RTX) CLIA Kit Customized Service Offer
n/a ELISA Kit for Rituximab (RTX) ELISA Kit Customized Service Offer