Methyldrostanolone is a C-17 alpha alkylated steroid, originally developed by the American pharmaceutical company Syntex. This steroid is already active and does not require conversion. Methyldrostanolone is the 17aa version of the injectable steroid drostanolone (Masteron). This extra methylation makes this steroid about 3-4x more anabolic than Masteron, and slightly more anabolic than oxandrolone (Anavar). Despite the fact that methyldrostanolone is a DHT derivative and cannot convert to estrogen, some users have still reported gyno like symptoms during or after a cycle. This effect is likely related to the strong SHBG binding effect and increase in freely circulating estrogen (and testosterone) from SHBG. Gyno symptoms may also be related to the fact that methldrostanolone lacks a strong DHT metabolite to antagonize the effects of estrogen (while also having a relatively low intrinsic androgenic value).