The MM.1S cell line is a well-established and commonly used human multiple myeloma cell line. Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects plasma cells in the bone marrow. The MM.1S cell line was derived from the bone marrow of a patient with multiple myeloma and has been extensively characterized for research purposes.

MM.1S cells exhibit features typical of multiple myeloma cells, including the production of monoclonal immunoglobulins and the ability to form tumors in animal models. These cells are widely used in research to study the biology of multiple myeloma, investigate the mechanisms of cancer development and progression, and test potential therapeutic agents.

MM.1S cell line is particularly useful for studying the molecular mechanisms underlying the growth and survival of multiple myeloma cells, as well as for investigating drug resistance and sensitivity in these cells. Researchers have used the MM.1S cell line to identify potential therapeutic targets for multiple myeloma and to evaluate the efficacy of novel anti-myeloma agents.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Cells CSI402Hu11 Human MM.1S MM.1S cell line is commonly used in research to study the biology of multiple myeloma and to develop and test new treatments for the disease.
Extracts n/a Extract of MM.1S Total Protein/DNA/RNA Extract Customized Service Offer
Mediums n/a Medium for MM.1S (If Necessary) Cell Culture Medium Customized Service Offer