NALM-6 cell line is a human B cell precursor leukemia cell line that was derived from the bone marrow of a pediatric patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. NALM-6 cells are commonly employed in leukemia research to investigate B cell differentiation, leukemic cell growth, and drug resistance mechanisms. These cells have been useful in studying molecular pathways involved in B cell development and malignancy, as well as in evaluating targeted therapies for B cell precursor leukemia.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Cells CSI387Hu11 Human NALM-6 NALM-6 cell line is useful in studying molecular pathways involved in B cell development and malignancy, as well as in evaluating targeted therapies for B cell precursor leukemia.
Extracts n/a Extract of NALM-6 Total Protein/DNA/RNA Extract Customized Service Offer
Mediums n/a Medium for NALM-6 (If Necessary) Cell Culture Medium Customized Service Offer