BALB/3T3 Embryonic Fibroblasts Clone A31 (BALB/C3T3.A31)


BALB/C 3T3 Clone A31

BALB/3T3 Embryonic Fibroblasts Clone A31 (BALB/C3T3.A31)

he identification of cancer preventive or therapeutic substances as well as carcinogenic risk assessment of chemicals is nowadays mostly dependent on animal studies. In vitro cell transformation assays mimic different stages of the in vivo neoplastic process and represent an excellent alternative to study carcinogenesis and therapeutic options. In the BALB/c-3T3 two-stage transformation assay cells are chemically transformed by treatment with MCA and TPA, along with the final Giemsa staining of morphological aberrant foci. In addition to the standard method we can show, that it is possible to apply other chemicals in parallel to identify potential preventive or therapeutic substances during the transformation process. Furthermore, we successfully combined the BALB/c cell transformation assay with several endpoint applications for protein analysis (immunoblot, subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence) or energy parameter measurements (glucose and oxygen consumption) to elucidate cancer mechanisms in more detail. In our opinion the BALB/c cell transformation assay proves to be an excellent model to investigate alterations in key proteins or energy parameters during the different stages of transformation as well as therapeutic substances and their mode of action.

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Cells CSI369Mu11 Mouse BALB/3T3 Embryonic Fibroblasts Clone A31 (BALB/C3T3.A31) For research use only. It is not approved for human or animal use, or for applications in in vitro diganostic procedures.
Extracts n/a Extract of BALB/3T3 Embryonic Fibroblasts Clone A31 (BALB/C3T3.A31) Total Protein/DNA/RNA Extract Customized Service Offer
Mediums MSI369Mu11 Medium for Mouse BALB/3T3 Embryonic Fibroblasts Clone A31 (BALB/C3T3.A31) Complete Medium for the culture of BALB/3T3 clone A31 cell line