
The 143B cell line is a commonly used human cell line that was derived from the osteosarcoma of a 15-year-old female patient. It is known for its aneuploid nature, as it has an abnormal number of chromosomes (15-20 chromosomes in each cell). The 143B cell line is often used in research related to cancer biology, bone biology, and cellular bioenergetics. These cells have been used to study various cellular processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and metabolism. The 143B cell line has been valuable in understanding the molecular mechanisms of cancer and other diseases, as well as in drug discovery and development.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Cells CSI304Hu11 Human 143B The cell is a suitable transfection host and can be used in cancer research
Extracts n/a Extract of 143B Total Protein/DNA/RNA Extract Customized Service Offer
Mediums n/a Medium for 143B (If Necessary) Cell Culture Medium Customized Service Offer