1. Antibodies


Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

MAA071Hu21 | Homo sapiens (Human)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Polyclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

PAA071Hu02 | Homo sapiens (Human)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Polyclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

PAA071Ca02 | Canis familiaris; Canine (Dog)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

MAA071Eq24 | Equus caballus; Equine (Horse)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Biotin-Linked Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

LAA071Eq74 | Equus caballus; Equine (Horse)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

MAA071Eq26 | Equus caballus; Equine (Horse)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Biotin-Linked Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

LAA071Eq76 | Equus caballus; Equine (Horse)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

MAA071Cp22 | Capra hircus; Caprine (Goat)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Biotin-Linked Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

LAA071Cp72 | Capra hircus; Caprine (Goat)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
Biotin-Linked Monoclonal Antibody to Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)

LAA071Hu72 | Homo sapiens (Human)

IL1-A; IL-1α; IL1F1; Preinterleukin 1 Alpha; Hematopoietin-1; Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha; Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
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