Dr. Zhou Yongshi, deputy director of Wuhan Development Zone investigate and survey our company
Considering the growth of the domestic market and the patent and clinical program, the development of our company is seriously hampered by the strict rules of the export processing zone, we have to abandon the plan to build our new processing building in the export zone, to find the new way. While the Optics Valley of Donghu Development Zone and Airport Development Zone of Jinyinhu Ecological Park are giving offers, our company is also actively applying for the land of Wuhan Development Zone, or coordinating the relocation.
May 29, 2013, Dr. Zhou Yongshi, deputy director of Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, together with Mr. Cheng, the chair man of Advanced Manufacturing Park Construction Zone Development Co., Ltd. and Mr. Xiao, the chairman of Wuhan Economic Development Zone came and surveyed our company. Dr Zhou claimed that Li Zhong, director of the CMC secretary would personally supervise our company 's application report very seriously, asked relevant departments to consider the practical difficulties of our company, trying to re-consider the construction land.