Reciprocal network between cancer stem-like cells and macrophages facilitates the progression and androgen deprivation therapy resistance of prostate cancer
Source Magazine: Clinical Cancer Research
- Used Products:
- SEA079Hu
cAMP-inducible coactivator CRTC3 attenuates brown adipose tissue thermogenesis
Source Magazine: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Blunted Nitric Oxide Regulation in Tibetans under High Altitude Hypoxia
Source Magazine: National Science Review
Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on adiponect and glucose transporter 4 expression in type 2 diabetic rats
Source Magazine: Cancer Cell Research
- Used Products:
Cytoprotective and pro-angiogenic functions of thrombomodulin are preserved in the C loop of the fifth epidermal growth factor-like domain
Source Magazine: Haematologica
Noninvasive small-animal imaging of galectin-1 upregulation for predicting tumor resistance to radiotherapy
Source Magazine: Biomaterials
- Used Products:
- SEA321Mu