Decreased levels of G protein-coupled estrogen receptor in children with autism spectrum disorders.
Source Magazine: Psychiatry Research
- Used Products:
- SEG045Hu
Vitamin B12 deficiency and impaired expression of amnionless during aging.
Source Magazine: 23
- Used Products:
- SEC295Hu
Cholecystokinin Expression in the Development of Postinfarction Heart Failure.
Source Magazine: Cellular physiology and biochemistry
- Used Products:
- PAA802Ra01
Synthetic PreImplantation Factor (PIF) prevents fetal loss by modulating LPS induced inflammatory response.
Source Magazine: PLoS One
- Used Products:
Effects of Dietary Lysine Levels on the Plasma Concentrations of Growth‐Related Hormones in Late‐Stage Finishing Pigs
Source Magazine: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Used Products:
- SEA044Po
Burn Serum Increases Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Formation via Oxidative Stress.
Source Magazine: Frontiers in Microbiology