Preparation of lactose-iron complex and its cyto-toxicity, in-vitro digestion and bioaccessibility in Caco-2 cell model system
Source Magazine: Food Bioscience
- Used Products:
- SEA518Hu
Dietary rose hip exerts antiatherosclerotic effects and increases nitric oxide-mediated dilation in ApoE-null mice.
Source Magazine: Journal of nutritional biochemistry
- Used Products:
- CEA527Mu
Role of IL-1ra and Granzyme B as biomarkers in active Crohn's disease patients
Source Magazine: Biomarkers.
- Used Products:
- SEA468Hu
Renalase Protects against Renal Fibrosis by Inhibiting the Activation of the ERK Signaling Pathways
Source Magazine: International journal of molecular sciences
- Used Products:
- SEC845Ra
- RPC845Ra01
Reversal effects of low-dose imatinib compared with sunitinib on monocrotaline-induced pulmonary and right ventricular remodeling in rats
Source Magazine: Vascular Pharmacology
- Used Products:
- CEA485Ra
Peripheral levels of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in youths in ultra-high risk for psychosis: a pilot study
Source Magazine: CNS Spectrums