Development of a dietary formulation of the SHetA2 chemoprevention drug for mice.
Source Magazine: Investigational new drugs
- Used Products:
- SEA585Mu
Detection of Sotatercept (ACE-011) in human serum by SAR-PAGE and western single blotting.
Source Magazine: Drug Testing and Analysis
- Used Products:
- SEC117Hu
- PAC117Hu01
Imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like inflammation in differentiated Human keratinocytes: Its evaluation using curcumin.
Source Magazine: European Journal of Pharmacology
Can serum levels of anti-Müllerian hormone and oestradiol in juvenile gilts be used to predict future reproductive performance?
Source Magazine: Animal Production Science
Cytokine and estrogen stimulation of endothelial cells augments activation of the prekallikrein-high molecular weight kininogen complex: Implications for hereditary angioedema.
Source Magazine: Journal of allergy and clinical immunology
Effects of the fibrous topography-mediated macrophage phenotype transition on the recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells: An in vivo study.
Source Magazine: Biomaterials
- Used Products:
- SEA122Hu