Non-labeling multiphoton excitation microscopy as a novel diagnostic tool for discriminating normal tissue and colorectal cancer lesions.
Source Magazine: Scientific Reports
- Used Products:
- PAG408Ge01
Transthyretin deposition promotes progression of osteoarthritis
Source Magazine: Aging Cell
- Used Products:
- PAA686Hu01
Neuroprotection of Botch in experimental intracerebral hemorrhage in rats.
Source Magazine: Oncotarget
An adherent mucus layer attenuates the genotoxic effect of colibactin.
Source Magazine: Cellular Microbiology
Wpływ pola magnetycznego niskiej częstotliwości stosowanego w magnetoterapii na zawartość interleukiny 6 (il-6) w sercu i mózgu szczura
Source Magazine: Medycyna Pracy
- Used Products:
- SEA079Ra
Prognostic importance of circulating epidermal growth factor-like domain 7 in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy and bevacizumab.
Source Magazine: Scientific Reports
- Used Products:
- SEL643Hu