The Level of Serum and Urinary Nephrin in Normal Pregnancy and Pregnancy with Subsequent Preeclampsia.
Source Magazine: Yonsei medical journal
- Used Products:
- SEA937Hu
Endothelin 1 and endothelial dysfunction in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Source Magazine: Artery Research
- Used Products:
- CEA482Hu
Rs10887800 renalase gene polymorphism influences the level of circulating renalase in patients undergoing hemodialysis but not in healthy controls
Source Magazine: BMC nephrology
- Used Products:
- SEC845Hu
Upregulation of HSP70 Extends Cytoprotection to Fish Brain under Xenobiotic Stress
Source Magazine: Journal of FisheriesSciences. com
Состояние эндотелиально-сосудистого фактора у беременных с артериальной гипертензией
Source Magazine: Достижения фундаментальной, клинической медицины и фармации: материалы 72-й науч. сес. сотр. ун-та, 25-26 янв
- Used Products:
- SEA815Hu
Modifications of Western-type diet regarding protein, fat and sucrose levels as modulators of steroid metabolism and activity in liver
Source Magazine: The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology