Effects of treatment with Hypoxis hemerocallidea extract on sexual behaviour and reproductiveparameters in male rats.
Source Magazine: Andrologia
Acute phase response in the primiparous dairy cows after repeated percutaneous liver biopsyduring the transition period.
Source Magazine: Polish journal of veterinary sciences
- Used Products:
- SEA079Bo
Reduced Sympathetic Innervation in Endometriosis is Associated to Semaphorin 3C and 3FExpression.
Source Magazine: Molecular Neurobiology
Gene Signature-Based Development of ELISA Assays for Reproducible Qualification of CulturedHuman Corneal Endothelial Cells.
Source Magazine: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
- Used Products:
- SEA416Hu
Evaluation of the effect of administering N-acetyl-glucosamine-containing green tea supplement on biomarkers for cartilage metabolism in healthy individuals without symptoms of arthritis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical study
Source Magazine: Functional Foods in Health & Disease
- Used Products:
- SEA964Hu
Protective effects of fish oil on pre-diabetes: a lipidomic analysis of liver ceramides in rats.
Source Magazine: Food & Function
- Used Products:
- SEA133Ra