Low protein Z plasma level is a risk factor for acute myocardial infarction in coronary atherosclerosis disease patients
Source Magazine: Thrombosis Research
- Used Products:
- SEA736Hu
Four-Week Consumption of Malaysian Honey Reduces Excess Weight Gainand Improves Obesity-Related Parameters in High Fat Diet Induced ObeseRats.
Source Magazine: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Alterations in gut microbiota during remission and recurrence of diabetes after duodenal-jejunal bypass in rats
Source Magazine: World Journal of Gastroenterology
Calcitriol–copper interaction leads to non enzymatic, reactive oxygen species mediated DNA breakage and modulation of cellular redox scavengers in hepatocellular …
Source Magazine: Apoptosis
- Used Products:
- CEA467Ge
Diagnostic role of Golgi protein 73 and IL-17 in Egyptian cirrhotic rather than hepatocellular carcinoma patients.
Source Magazine: Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
- Used Products:
- SEB668Hu
Correlations of Ventricular Enlargement with Rheologically Active SurfactantProteins in Cerebrospinal Fluid.
Source Magazine: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience