Food combination based on a pre-hispanic Mexican diet decreases metabolic and cognitive abnormalities and gut microbiota dysbiosis caused by a sucrose-enriched high-fat diet in rats.
Source Magazine: molecular nutrition & food research
- Used Products:
Troxerutin exerts neuroprotection in 6-hydroxydopamine lesion rat model of Parkinson's disease: Possible involvement of PI3K/ERβ signaling.
Source Magazine: european journal of pharmacology
- Used Products:
- SEA068Ra
Protective effects of Aloe sterols against UVB‐induced photoaging in hairless mice
Source Magazine: Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed.
Vitamin D receptor as a target for breast cancer therapy.
Source Magazine: endocrine-related cancer
- Used Products:
- SEA475Hu
Effects of Di-isononyl Phthalate on Neuropeptide Y Expression in Differentiating Human Neuronal Cells.
Source Magazine: basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology
- Used Products:
- CEA879Hu
Alteration of serum adropin level in preeclampsia.
Source Magazine: Pregnancy Hypertens.
- Used Products:
- SEN251Hu