Elevated Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody Increases Risk of Post-partum Depression by Decreasing Prefrontal Cortex BDNF and 5-HT Levels in Mice
Source Magazine: Frontiers in cellular neuroscience
- Used Products:
- CEA452Ge
- CEA185Ge
- RPA557Mu02
Searching for informative biomarkers for Gastric Cancer
Source Magazine: fedOA
- Used Products:
- SEC500Hu
The Role of T-Regulatory Expression in Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and its Association with Thyroid _x005f_x0004_Antibody
Source Magazine: Journal of Autoimmune Disorders
- Used Products:
- SEB877Hu
Chemopreventive Role of Curcumin in benzo(A)pyrene induced Lung Carcinogenesis in mice via-modulation of Bcl-2, p53, Caspase-3, Cyp1A1, COX-2 and antioxidant defense system in Lung tissues
Source Magazine: International Journal of Pharma Sciences
Clinical efficacy of serum lipase subtype analysis for the differential diagnosis of pancreatic and non-pancreatic lipase elevation
Source Magazine: The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine
- Used Products:
- SEA769Hu
Changes in HGF levels after a progressive test before and after Tabata HIIT program
Source Magazine:
- Used Products:
- SEA047Hu