Untersuchungen zum Schilddrüsenstoffwechsel der Milchkuh in Abhängigkeit des Laktations-, Reproduktions- und Gesundheitsstatus
Source Magazine: Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
- Used Products:
- CEC022Ge
Dieta hipercalórica e hipoxia intermitente crónica como modelos de obesidad y apnea obstructiva del sueño. Significado de la leptina en el control respiratorio
Source Magazine: UVaDOC
- Used Products:
- CEA660Ge
Intercellular Adhesion Molecular-5 as Marker in HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorder.
Source Magazine: Aging and Disease
- Used Products:
- SEA142Hu
Serum microtubule associated protein tau and myelin basic protein as the potential markers of brain ischaemia-reperfusion injury in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy
Source Magazine: Acta Angiologica
Urinary renalase concentration in patients with preserved kidney function undergoing coronary angiography.
Source Magazine: Nephrology (Carlton)
- Used Products:
- SEC845Hu
Antioxidant effects of Spirulina supplement against lead acetate-induced hepatic injury in rats.
Source Magazine: Journal of traditional and complementary medicine.