Anti-cancer effect of snake venom toxin through down regulation of AP-1 mediated PRDX6 expression
Source Magazine: Oncotarget
- Used Products:
- SEA411Hu
The C-terminal Domain Supports a Novel Function for CETPI as a New Plasma Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein
Source Magazine: Sci Rep
- Used Products:
- SEA133Rb
Hsp60 response in experimental and human temporal lobe epilepsy
Source Magazine: Sci Rep
- Used Products:
- SEA822Ra
Transcriptomics and Immune Profiles of Asymptomatic Filarial-Infected Individuals
Source Magazine: Universit
- Used Products:
- SEC387Hu
Effects of intrinsic aerobic capacity, aging and physical activity on interleukin-15 protein level in serum and skeletal muscle
Source Magazine: Exercise physiology
- Used Products:
- SEA061Ra
Source Magazine: S