Strontium Ranelate Reduces the Fracture Incidence in a Growing Mouse Model of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Source Magazine: J Bone Miner Res
- Used Products:
- CEA639Mu
Diagnostic and Prognostic Validity of Serum Golgi Protein 73 in Egyptian Patients with Hepatocelluar Carcinoma
Source Magazine: Afro-Egypt J Infect Endem Dis
- Used Products:
- SEB668Hu
Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 mediates inhibitory effect of interleukin-10 on angiotensin II-induced hypertensive effects in vascular smooth muscle cells of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Source Magazine: Cytokine
- Used Products:
- CEB301Ge
Berberine protects vascular endothelial cells in hypertensive rats
Source Magazine: Int J Clin Exp Med
- Used Products:
- SEA079Ra
ADAM10: a new player in breast cancer progression?
Source Magazine: British journal of cancer
- Used Products:
- SEA766Hu
Cathepsin G in Experimental Tuberculosis: Relevance for Antibacterial Protection and Potential for Immunotherapy
Source Magazine: the journal of immunology
- Used Products:
- SEA394Mu