1. Human



Multiplex Assay Kit for Cytokeratin 17 (CK17) ,etc. by FLIA (Flow Luminescence Immunoassay)

LMB822Hu | Homo sapiens (Human)

PC2; KRT17; K17; PC; PCHC1; Keratin 17; Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 17
Recombinant Cytokeratin 17 (CK17)

RPB822Hu02 | Homo sapiens (Human)

PC2; KRT17; K17; PC; PCHC1; Keratin 17; Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 17
Monoclonal Antibody to Cytokeratin 17 (CK17)

MAB822Hu27 | Homo sapiens (Human)

PC2; KRT17; K17; PC; PCHC1; Keratin 17; Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 17
Polyclonal Antibody to Cytokeratin 17 (CK17)

PAB822Hu02 | Homo sapiens (Human)

PC2; KRT17; K17; PC; PCHC1; Keratin 17; Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 17
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