1. Antibodies
Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

PAA569Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
Monoclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

MAA569Hu22 | Homo sapiens (Human)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

PAA569Mu01 | Mus musculus (Mouse)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

PAA569Po01 | Sus scrofa; Porcine (Pig)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

PAA569Ra01 | Rattus norvegicus (Rat)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

PAA569Rb51 | Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
Biotin-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

LAA569Hu71 | Homo sapiens (Human)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
Biotin-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

LAA569Mu71 | Mus musculus (Mouse)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
Biotin-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

LAA569Ra71 | Rattus norvegicus (Rat)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
FITC-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to P-Selectin (SELP)

LAA569Hu81 | Homo sapiens (Human)

CD62P; Selectin, Platelet; PSEL; GMP140; LECAM3; GRMP; GMRP; PADGEM; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane
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