1. Human


ELISA Kit for Fibronectin (FN)

SEA037Hu | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
Polyclonal Antibody to Fibronectin (FN)

PAA037Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
CLIA Kit for Fibronectin (FN)

SCA037Hu | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
Monoclonal Antibody to Fibronectin (FN)

MAA037Hu22 | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
Recombinant Fibronectin (FN)

RPA037Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
Recombinant Fibronectin (FN)

RPA037Hu02 | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
Polyclonal Antibody to Fibronectin (FN)

PAA037Hu02 | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
Biotin-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to Fibronectin (FN)

LAA037Hu71 | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
High Sensitive ELISA Kit for Fibronectin (FN)

HEA037Hu | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
Recombinant Fibronectin (FN)

RPA037Hu03 | Homo sapiens (Human)

FN1; CIG; FINC; LETS; MSF; GFND2; Anastellin; Migration-Stimulating Factor; Cold-Insoluble Globulin; Large, External, Transformation-Sensitive Protein
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