1. Antibodies
  2. Human
Polyclonal Antibody to CD200 Receptor 1 (CD200R1)

PAN341Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

OX2R; HCRTR2; CD200R; MOX2R; MOX2 Receptor; Cell surface glycoprotein CD200 receptor 1; CD200 cell surface glycoprotein receptor; Cell surface glycoprotein OX2 receptor 1
Monoclonal Antibody to CD200 Receptor 1 (CD200R1)

MAN341Hu21 | Homo sapiens (Human)

OX2R; HCRTR2; CD200R; MOX2R; MOX2 Receptor; Cell surface glycoprotein CD200 receptor 1; CD200 cell surface glycoprotein receptor; Cell surface glycoprotein OX2 receptor 1