1. Human


Polyclonal Antibody to Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6 (IGFBP6)

PAA274Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

IBP6; IGF-binding protein 6
Monoclonal Antibody to Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6 (IGFBP6)

MAA274Hu22 | Homo sapiens (Human)

IBP6; IGF-binding protein 6
Recombinant Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6 (IGFBP6)

RPA274Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

IBP6; IGF-binding protein 6
ELISA Kit for Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6 (IGFBP6)

SEA274Hu | Homo sapiens (Human)

IBP6; IGF-binding protein 6
ELISA Kit DIY Materials for Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 6 (IGFBP6)

KSA274Hu01 | Homo sapiens (Human)

IBP6; IGF-binding protein 6